Sunday, August 24, 2014

A lame ass intro

For a first post, I suppose I should introduce myself and the insanity that is my family. I am a thirty seven year old wife and mother. I don't officially work, at least not at anything I get paid for. I have been married for 16 years (to the same man) and we have four children. That's right, they all have the same baby daddy. Cool, huh?

My oldest is our thirteen year old son. Teenage boy – talk about automatic blogger material! Next is a ten year old daughter. Ten going on 17, or so she thinks. Then we have the eight year old son who fluctuates between total sweetheart and total frustration. Last, but never least, is the 6 year old princess of the family. She mostly thinks she is the queen of all.

My husband and I have been married for sixteen years. I love him desperately, even when I want to strangle him. He works as a computer geek during the day and spends a few evenings a week as an instructor at our local community college. I hate the time it takes away from the family, but I love the money it brings! He also volunteers a lot of time at our church. Overall, he is a great husband and father but, sometimes he needs a swift kick in the ass to remember that I need help with all the crazy.

What crazy, you ask? Four kids isn't enough crazy? No, of course not. Currently, I have four kids, three sports, four different teams, and practice for someone or other every night of the week. On two nights, I have two practices at the same time on opposite ends of town. Can anyone teach me to bi-locate? Somewhere in there I have to ensure homework completion, make dinner, and make sure everyone has school uniforms for the next day.

But, I'm a stay at home mom so that's all I do anyway, right? Not quite. I am coordinator of room parents at the kids' school. A small, private religious school. Do I even need to tell you there is drama? I also “volunteer” to help with the hot lunch a few days a week. A say “volunteer” because I actually get credits so my kids can get the hot lunches free. If not for that, I would have nothing to do with being a lunch helper. I love seeing the kids, but it is smack in the middle of my day and totally inconvenient. But, free lunch! Whoo-hoo!

I am also currently taking a college class. I won't say much except that it is in the hopes of getting employment in the next couple of years in order to help pay for the private schools. I also bowl once a week and do bunco once a month. Mostly, I get into trouble with my loud mouthed friend. I have a busy, insane life that I love. I am a painfully honest, foul mouthed, exhausted mom trying to do everything right and sometimes epically failing. There is always drama, laughter, anger, frustration, joy and, most importantly, love. There is never enough money to go around and I have learned to live cheaply. And sometimes, I consider selling myself to make ends meet. Just kidding. Sort of.

Welcome to the crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Im tired just reading this! Im glad to help out Sophia is no trouble at all, and im glad our girls are such besties! I know I get judged a lot for focusing on my daughter. Yes I do. Even jealous that I can make her my number one! Bunco and book club are so hard to set my lil time away from home. But it is so fun! Free lunch is worth it! :)
